

Crosslink Capital, Inc. (“Crosslink”) was recently informed that someone or an organization has been impersonating it and one or more of its employees on the mobile application WhatsApp.

Crosslink does not market its services and Crosslink and its employees do not provide investment advice through WhatsApp or any similar social media messaging application, and anyone who does so purporting to act in Crosslink’s name or the name of any of its employees is not in any way connected to Crosslink or Crosslink Capital Management, LLC. Crosslink employees provide investment advice only through Crosslink. Crosslink provides investment advice only to investment funds or clients, in each case, with whom it has entered into a written contract. Crosslink does not provide investment or other advice to non-clients.

You can look up investment advisers and their registered persons at: https://adviserinfo.sec.gov/

For more information investing generally, please see: https://www.investor.gov/

December 08, 2020

Aizon Lauded by Frost & Sullivan for Its AI-powered Platform that Enables Pharma Companies to Achieve Smart and Continuous Manufacturing

Based on its recent analysis of the North American artificial intelligence (AI) market for productivity and compliance in pharmaceuticals, Frost & Sullivan recognizes Aizon with the 2020 North American Enabling Technology Leadership Award. Aizon’s good practice (GxP)-compliant, cloud-based, and customizable platform improves pharma manufacturing by focusing on customer success of value-based outcomes, by leveraging IIoT, Big Data, AI, machine learning (ML), and cloud technologies. The platform aggregates, stores and analyzes the data to deliver actionable insights across all manufacturing sites, simplifies regulatory compliance and improves quality across the process.

“Aizon has developed a software-as-a-service AI/ML-based analytics platform and applications to access various structured and unstructured manufacturing data from disparate sources. It analyzes the information to optimize resources and processes for enhancing efficiency and quality across all manufacturing sites,” said Supriya Lala Kundu, Best Practices Research Analyst at Frost & Sullivan. “The platform’s robust capabilities provide true value to its customers, as demonstrated through several commercial collaborations and a proven track record in lowering costs and increasing manufacturing excellence while meeting compliance goals.”

With advanced analytical techniques, Aizon’s platform conducts data analysis to predict real-time manufacturing issues and help pharma companies address them proactively. Read rest here.